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Providing Exceptional Landscaping Services in Southeastern, PA

Ticks: Signs, symptoms and prevention

Tick season is upon us; plants are plentiful and we are spending more time outside. This year is expected to have a high tick population due to the mild winter.


A tick bit can lead to a sore spot for a few days that can advance to a rash, infection or disease.   Lyme disease is prevalent in our area, 94% of all Lyme cases in the United States occur in the Northeast.  The bulls eye rash is a common early sign of Lyme disease. This disease can be caught early and treated with little to no effect on you, however, worse cases can lead to heart problems, memory loss and paralysis in both humans and pets.  Visit the CDC for more information at

Tick bites

 How to prevent:
-Wear long sleeves & pants when in meadow or wooded areas.
-Apply tick repellent containing DEET to your skin and clothes.
-Check skin, clothes (especially along sock lines and pant cuffs) and hair when returning from tick areas.  Don’t forget your pets!
-Protect your home and set up a backyard barrier with New Castle’s BITING BUG PREVENTION PROGRAM! Our application also protects you from Mosquitoes and Fleas.

Call today to schedule treatment before your next picnic: 610-796-7818